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Our Classes

Cygnet Class - Reception

On entering Reception you and your child will spend induction time in their new class and you will be encouraged to share in their learning and take the opportunity to liaise with the teaching team. There will be an informal meeting for new parents on the same day to enable them to speak to the class teacher and the head teacher and ask any questions or sort out any worries.

At first, the Cygnet Class is concerned with settling the children and getting them used to the full-time school routine and expectations. The learning opportunities initially focus on using speaking and listening as the method for reaching the Early Learning Goals and work towards recorded forms. Although tasks are still fun and practical in nature, there is gradually more requirement for each child to participate in the learning experiences offered. There will continue to be opportunities to learn through the play activities of their choice. As they come to the end of their time in Reception the aim is for children to be ready to fully participate in the KS1 National Curriculum.

Woodpecker and Robin Classes - Y1 and Y2

Much of the learning in KS1 is still practical and concrete, harnessing the experiences of play activities and converting them into the academic areas of number, reading and exploring their surroundings. Group activities, talking and discussion are a feature of this early time in school as is the frequent practice of basic skills. It is a time for the establishment of enquiring minds and the use of imagination and to channel physical activity into drama, organized P.E., dance and music. Technology is readily available and frequently used as a tool for learning in all curriculum areas. The main focus is on literacy and numeracy but we cover all subjects set out in the British National Curriculum and aim to ensure that our KS1 programme is both broad and balanced. A range of after-school clubs are offered.

Kingfisher and Owl Classes - Y3 and Y4

Many children will already be quite competent technical readers as they enter the Kingfisher class. They will be well on their way towards mastering simple computation and the use of measures and shape. Children will then gradually learn higher order reading skills so that they can be more independent and apply their skills to find information or to read for pleasure. They will be applying their maths abilities in problem solving and investigative activities. Science, geography and history studies will be more in depth and in all subject areas children will be encouraged to develop sensible enquiry, fact finding, problem solving and conclusion drawing skills. Social, moral and physical development continues and there are opportunities for children to participate in many extra-curricula activities.


Kestrel and Eagle Classes - Y5 and Y6


A good proportion of pupils will have the skills to learn across the whole curriculum in an independent manner as they enter Year 5 and these learning skills will be enhanced as they move through Upper KS2 to enable the best start possible in secondary school. The teaching of high level reading skills and the use of English in many forms across all subject areas is still a priority. Mathematics becomes more complex and children are expected to use and apply skills and knowledge in a range of problem solving and investigating situations. Homework will be more formal to practise the organisation and self-motivation that they will need in secondary school, further education and beyond. Our oldest children are expected to show an awareness and respect for their rights and responsibilities, be excellent role models for younger children and to be self-regulating in their behaviour for learning throughout the school day. A wide variety of clubs are offered and Y5 and Y6 pupils are encouraged to develop a range of extra-curricula skills.